Wednesday, July 08, 2009


What a treat! Two posts in one day! I guess I'm back "on" with my blogging... I knew inspiration would come sooner or later.

This afternoon we walked across the road from the kibbutz to a new restaurant - Arny went last year (the first year it was open) and sad we needed dessert. So, Arny, Cameron, Kristina, Rachael and I had an AMAZING dessert experience. Our server brought out a tray of plastic desserts to show us the choices, and we ordered. Cameron and I shared some apple pie and some crazy delicious chocolate mousse/cake thing with frozen creme broule inside... I think we'll be going back. After we started eating, the server came back and said, "You are quiet, that is a good sign, I think?!" He was not wrong!
The pictures in order are:
Our desserts, Cameron looking amazed at what was laid before us, Rachael enjoying hers, and Arny and Kristina enjoying theirs (I love this picture of Arny!)...






bsandtana said...

Yum!! The desserts look wonderful! I want to eat it right off the blog! It's nice to know that you guys don't spend ALL your time digging. ;-)

Beth said...

Wouldn't have expected to find desserts like that where you are at. I am sure you really enjoyed it after a hard day in the heat.