Sunday, June 28, 2009

Being the Story of an Uneventful Drive.

Our drive from Billings to the Twin Cities by the numbers...

0 - Number of flat tires we suffered. Not that one should have assumed we would get a flat tire.
1 - Number of Kitchen Sinks we saw on the side of the road.
4 - Number of Road Construction False Alarms. Twice we saw an "End Road Construction" sign when there had been no Road Construction. AND the other two times there were signs warning about impending Road Construction that never came.
6 - AM that is, the time we got out on the road. Just as we planned!
8 - Central Time, when we arrived in the Cities.
11 - Number of hours my right ear was plugged today.
13 - Number of hours we drove.
47 - Number of miles we were actually in road construction. Very surprised it was so little.
852 - Number of miles driven today.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

You're Not Wrong.

According to the world of science the earth is BILLIONS of years old. Also, according to scientific study, data from the past century and a half shows that man has had a direct impact on earth's climate. Now, frankly, I'm no rocket surgeon (to quote one of my favorite shirts on, but those numbers just don't seem to add up.

I've heard illustrations which state; "if the timeline of the earth were the length of your arm, man would have only been around for the tip of your fingernail." It would seem that it is scientifically irresponsible to "conjecture" that data collected only within the past two hundred years really has anything to say about how the earth has cooled, or warmed, over the course of a few billion years.

Now, a new report from NASA suggests that the problem of global warming is not as sinister as we might think...unless, of course, you're heliophobic.

For further reading:

My favorite quote from the latter article:
About 1,000 years ago, Greenland was warm enough for the Vikings to colonize and grow vineyards. Today Greenland is almost entirely covered in ice. Tell me: is the earth warmer today than it was 1,000 years ago? Did they have SUVs and coal power plants in the days of the Vikings? This isn’t tough to figure out, people.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The End is Near

This blog has served me well for almost three years. However, I find that as time moves on I am, more and more, neglecting it for long periods of time. Add to this the fact that Andrea and I are currently preparing for working overseas and have made plans to create a "Turkey-specific" blog and you should see the necessity for the retirement of this blog.

As such, this blog will continue to function through our trip to Israel, and upon our return our blogging priorities will move to The Stuffing: Two Years in Turkey.